You are not alone!
After years of struggle, pain free intercourse!
“I have dealt with vaginismus for what seems like my whole life. I couldn’t wear a tampon until I was 20, got married at 22 and could not have intercourse. A PA at my gynecologist’s office recommended physical therapy. I went for several months and the PT recommended a set of dilators. I used those at home but could never progress to the largest size or achieve penetration for sex. It was discouraging and painful so I set it aside for years, but recently felt like I was ready to tackle it again. I purchased the large set of dilators last month and quickly worked up to the size 8. I was concerned because my husband is still bigger than the largest dilator. I watched the videos with breathing and relaxing techniques and did the clock stretching. We were able to not only have penetrative intercourse this week but it was pain-free!!! So we did it again the next day lol. Thank you so, so much.”
Dilator Set with lubricant and pelvic wand
Amazing dilators and helpful videos!
“I've struggled with vaginal pain since the first time I tried to use a tampon and couldn't remove it myself because I could not relax enough to do so. Since then, I've avoided using tampons and during my first pap smear I was in such pain and was so tense that my gynecologist could not get a good sample. Recently, I have been having incontinence with exercise, irregular periods and pain in my lower abdomen. I began seeing a physical therapist for this and as we worked on pelvic floor exercises, she recommended I try using dilators, with these ones from Intimate Rose being one possibility that she mentioned. I am so glad that she mentioned these over the plastic ones that are available elsewhere. The silicon is so much more comfortable than what I would imagine the plastic to be. I don't know that I would have been able to work myself up to using them had they not been as soft and smooth as these are. I started with the smallest size and was extremely nervous to do so. But after only a week of use, I felt ready to move on to the next one. In less than six weeks, I have been able to move up to the 3rd one, and have gained so much peace of mind and no longer fear using a tampon. What's more, I was also recommended to have a transvaginal ultrasound done to look at my ovaries because of my the symptoms I had been having. I know that without having used these dilators beforehand, such a procedure would have at the very least been excruciating, if not impossible. These dilators are amazing, and I have really appreciated the how-to videos on the site to help me with the process of using them.”
Intimate Rose Dilators
Excited to relax my pelvic floor
“6 years ago, I had a prolapsed bladder and rectum. I underwent the required surgery to repair both and they implanted mesh. I figured I would heal okay as I had a similar surgery when I was 26 (prolapsed uterus and rectum) so I thought I knew what to expect. Following the six week recovery time, it was time to resume sexual activity with my husband. It was so painful. Not at all what I expected. My doctors told me it was due to menopause. I tried to "stretch" myself but could never get past the pain. I am now 60 and my sex life is non-existent with my husband (of 36 years). He is so concerned about hurting me that it makes it hard for him to perform. My doctor has me in Pelvic floor physical therapy and they introduced me to dilators. We have just started working with them and so far so good. I apparently have a lot of scar tissue from the surgeries that contributes to my problem. I am excited to relax my pelvic floor enough to resume intimacy with my husband.”
Overcoming Vaginismus
Finding Relief with Pelvic Therapy and Vaginal Dilators
"I did not know that vaginismus was a condition I would suffer from, and was initially in denial that something was wrong. I let myself believe that the pain and “blockage” I was feeling would eventually work itself out; from my routine gyno exams to finally experiencing intercourse. But after holding out on that hope for about a year with no signs of any improvement - especially in my sex life - I decided to finally speak to my gynecologist about my symptoms, who then referred me to a pelvic floor physical therapist. My PT gave me a home program and recommended the dilator sets to supplement that plan. Since then, I’ve been making steady progress with my perineal muscles; gradually stretching and relaxing the tissues while simultaneously training my brain to change its “danger” response when touched in a sensitive area. Ladies, please consider purchasing Intimate Rose’s vaginal dilators in your journey to overcoming vaginismus. You won’t regret it."
Good sex for me was when I managed not to cry during it...I now have a wonderful sex life due to Intimate Rose!
“Suffering from extreme vaginal tightness has been a topic that has dominated my life since I was a teen. I am in my mid-twenties now. I first became aware of my condition as a teen starting to use tampons. They were so uncomfortable for me to use. At the time, I assumed I was using them wrong or using the wrong ones. Even "slender" tampons were very difficult for me to use. I faced more challenges a year or two later when I had my first pelvic exam. I don't think any girl finds her first exam to be "fun," but mine was an utter disaster. Even the brief exam that I received was terribly painful and ended with me in tears. By this time I had generally given up on using tampons and just suffered through my annual exam. In college, when I tried sex for the first time, guess what? It was horrible for me! The pain and discomfort I had experienced using tampons and while at the gynecologist were magnified ten fold during sex. It was nearly impossible for me, never enjoyable, and could never last long. My girlfriends would talk about having orgasms during sex. But, "good sex" for me was when I managed not to cry during it. Several years later when I met the man that is now my husband I started to learn more about my condition and treatment for it. My gynecologist at the time recommended dilator therapy and I tried Intimate Rose products. It was difficult at first. But, over time, I was able to comfortably use larger and larger dilators to the point were sex was no longer painful and even enjoyable. My husband and I now have a wonderful sex life due to Intimate Rose! Thank you!”
Great Success
“Thank you for a well researched and usable product. After a rough vaginal delivery of my nearly 11lb baby 24 years ago, I thought i was doomed to urinary urgency, leakage, weak abdominal muscles, and split abdominal rectus muscles. I could never jump or run without worry, and locating a bathroom was my travel priority. My gyn referred me to PT for pelvic floor and core exercises. She introduced me to your product. I've had great success and hopeful i can resume my running or jogging soon. Thanks again.”
I love Intimate Rose for my patients
“I have been a pelvic floor PT for many years. And I love the products from Intimate Rose! The material and design of the products are the most compatible with the internal pelvic floor muscles. My patients have been very happy with the pelvic wand and vaginal dilators. They are well made, gentle, and non-intimidating. I find this so helpful when recommending home treatments for my patients.”
Vaginal Dilators
I never knew vaginismus was a real condition
"I dealt with symptoms of vaginismus my entire life, but never knew it was a real condition. I figured it was just me, and I'd grow out of it. Finally, at 20 years old, when my Obgyn was unable to insert a q-tip for a pelvic exam (causing me to nearly pass out), I started to investigate. That's when I found out about Vaginismus, and my Obgyn confirmed that I had it. I began working on dilators at home (starting with size 1 from intimate rose). I truly didn't think I'd ever be able to tolerate size 1. I spent almost 2 years trying to insert it, until I saw a pelvic floor therapist who helped me! I was over the moon and so incredibly happy when I inserted size 1 for the first time. I was elated and filled with hope! Then 2 months later, I moved up to size 2, and then a little later, size 3! I found a course online that is based in my faith that helps women with vaginismus and then was able to move up to size 7! I am currently in awe of how far I've come in just a few years!"
I no longer settled to the "thats the way it is mentality"
“I developed weak pelvic floor muscles after giving birth to 3 kids and approaching age 40. I purchased the Kegel pelvic floor exercise weights. I liked how easy to understand which weight to use based by color. And the weights were more of tactile cue on if my pelvic floor was getting stronger. My routine was after waking up and using the bathroom, I would insert the weight and use my timer in my phone for 15 mins., continuing my morning routine. I have been using Dr. Amanda’s Kegel exercise video, which help when I feel the weight slipping out. After the 3rd week using the weights on the 3rd weight, I was tempted to test out my muscles and jumped on the trampoline with my kids. I was so surprised that I didn’t leak at all! I no longer settled to the, “that’s the way it is” mentality. I’m still a work in progress and will continue to use all the weights. Yet I’m already overly-joyed at how these weights have helped me.”
Dilators sizes 1-4
I'm 100% certain to recommend this product treatment approach to others!
“I had struggled with pain in my lower region for a long time - even simple gyno visits were extremely painful for me, and intercourse was absolutely impossible. I was certain I had vaginismus, although I wasn’t able to get a confirmed diagnosis. Once I started using the dilator sets, I instantly noticed a difference in not only how my pelvic muscles reacted to insertion, but in my confidence as well. It was a great way to slowly and safely train my muscles and I quickly found myself able to transition painlessly to each size in the coming weeks. After training myself on level 4, I was finally able to experience intercourse without any issue, and I have a newfound sense of confidence going into my next gynecologist appointment. I can’t thank the developers of this product enough for what it has done for me. I am 100% certain to recommend this treatment to anyone else who has had similar struggles. Thank you!!”
Dilators and Vibrating Pelvic Wand
Im eternally grateful for the dilators and the help you gave!
“I’d like to share my story with you as your website and products have greatly improved my quality of life. I was referred to your work by my pelvic floor therapist who diagnosed me with muscle spasms. I had been in great pain for almost a year after surviving a rape. I was terrified that I would never feel whole again. My therapist and I discussed other relevant medical history and there’s a chance I was predisposed to pelvic floor problems having been a competitive figure skater and ballerina for years of my childhood and adolescence. The combination of these factors as well as growing up in a household where being intimate was seen as shameful all contributed to my condition. Pelvic floor therapy as well as the exercises that I can do at home, be it stretching or using the dilators and vibrating pelvic wand, have allowed me to live life to the fullest. I never thought this day would come. Thank you to you and your team as well as all healthcare professionals working in this field. I’m eternally grateful.”
I'm glad I have someone who supports me
“I’m 19 years old and I began to suspect I had Vaginismus when I was 18. I had just bought a sex toy and for some reason I couldn’t get it inside of me. It felt like this wall I just couldn’t get through. I had never had issues before. I had had several sexual experiences where my partner was able to insert their finger(s) inside of me with no pain at all. After I graduated High School when I was nearly 19 I had my first chance to lose my virginity. It was extremely painful and uncomfortable and I couldn’t seem to relax. I did more research and went to see my Gynecologist. I knew I had Vaginismus long before then. I recently bought the Intimate Rose dilators and have been dilating for a few weeks now. My boyfriend is very supportive and puts no pressure on me. This has been very stressful for me but I’m glad I have someone who supports me.”
Intimate Rose is all I could ask for my patients
“My name is Andrea and I am a pelvic floor therapist in Central Pennsylvania with a clientele that ranges from pediatrics, athletes, women, and men. All of the products I have recommended for my patients (i.e. dilators, wands, etc) have been loved by my patients! Nothing brings me greater happiness than hearing how my patients are improving with their home exercise programs, and how those home exercise programs, using the equipment, has translated into improved quality of life. Decreased pain. Increased sexual performance. Feeling in control in an otherwise uncontrollable situation. Independence. All of the things I could ever want for the people I get to work with. I keep your pamphlets and samples of your products in my office and have them ready to go when a need arises! Thank you for your products and your support!”
No more ache!
“Last year I had a cystocele repaired and a bladder lift. A year later I could feel an aching pressure. I knew my pelvic floor was so weak.The weights helped me to know when I was getting the right muscles to work. When I first tried it and it popped right out I thought I was a lost cause! So I went right to your site and found your video on doing the floor exercise with the weight in. It took a couple weeks before I could keep the first weight in but I'm so glad I'm starting to feel improvement! no more ache and the bulging has subsided!”
Overcoming Vaginismus
Empowerment and Healing
"I was scared and confused when I began exploring treatment options for my vaginismus. I was afraid that it would be painful, embarrassing, and that nothing would ever fully work. I am so thankful that I found Intimate Rose, their dilator training set completely changed my life and relationship with my body. The dilators themselves are packaged discreetly and come with discreet storage bags, they also are comfortable silicon and come in a wide range of sizes. For me this meant that there was no large jump between sizes that forced me to be ready for something I was not. 2 years later, I have accomplished every goal I set for myself at the beginning of my journey, thank you Intimate Rose for all that you do!"
Intimate Rose Large Dilator Set
Rediscovering Intimacy at 71
"I am 71 years old and my husband of 49+ years and I haven't had intercourse in 4+years. My husband had to have major back surgery and was unable to "git er dun" because of pain. He had the surgery and rehab time but by then I was too "narrow" for him to enter me without me having pain. I started out with the blue dilator and worked my way up to the purple. I was discouraged a few times thinking that I should be moving up to the next color faster but I continued. Then I had success! It took a few months of everyday effort but it paid off and now we are intimate again. We will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary in June and are going to a resort in Jamacia! Now I am ready for UNBRIDLED SEX! Thank you so much:)"
Intimate Rose Products
Grateful for finding this site thru PT!
"Started using vaginal weights a few years ago along with pessary trying to slow the pelvic organ prolapse issues (uterus, bladder, bowel). Interestingly they said I shouldn’t have these issues bc of the amount of endometriosis I’ve had. Well, I did.
2 surgeries -total hysterectomy, bladder sling & bowel prolapse fix later, I’ve been working post-op with pelvic wall therapist (actually my 6 series of sessions over the last 15 years). The last surgery (bowel prolapsed) left my vagina tightened to the extent that intercourse was impossible. We started with dilators -mid-range size and have progressed up. Well, didn’t think I was going to need this additional size dilator (7) but I do. Been using increasingly larger dilators and things are improving -not perfect but going in the right direction. Just takes longer than you’d think. Grateful for finding this site thru PT -definitely need both PT and this woman’s support/product site for support & know how!"
“Hi, I never knew this type of problem existed until it happened to me! I woke up to this horrible pain, it felt like I was in labor the pain was so bad. I went to the emergency room and there was nothing they could, I had to make an appointment with a gynecologist, at age 67 I was not sure what was going on. I saw him he said had pelvic organ prolapse and I would have to see a Kegel specialist. Wow! I use to do those when I was sexually active and I am no longer active I thought how will that help. I went and with only four visits the pain stopped and I. got relief. I do not want to go through that again, so I decided to keep this from returning. I ordered the Kegel weights and will keep that part of my body in shape! Thanks for this time to tell my story, and I am excited to receive my weights.”
Please don’t suffer in silence any longer!!
I discovered pelvic floor health and physical therapy very recently. I’m 55 years old and have suffered with pain with intercourse for my entire 26-year marriage. I have vaginismus. I finally decided to do something about it. Luckily my doctor helped by prescribing pelvic floor pt and vaginal estrogen cream. (I had a total hysterectomy at 38 and am also on oral estradiol.) I’ve been using the pelvic wand, dilators, and exercises, and my husband and I are now able to start enjoying vaginal intercourse again. If it can work for me after all these years it can work for you!! Please don’t suffer in silence any longer!! You got this!.
“I have been fortunate to treat patients with pelvic floor dysfunction for several years, and I have seen many products come on the market. The Intimate Rose products continue to be at the forefront. The attractive coloring of these medical products brings ease to a patient. The dilators, pelvic wand, and vaginal weights have a velvety smooth texture, and the vibrating pelvic wand is one of a kind. I continue to be impressed with Dr. Olson’s patient-friendly website. If you are a pelvic floor practitioner, the Intimate Rose line is one to become familiar with.”
“Your products have been a perfect outlet for my patients and I have had nothing but positive results/reviews. Thank you for providing such wonderful products for this patient population.”
Vaginal Dilators/Trainers & Velvet Rose Lubricant
Thank God He brought us to Intimate Rose!
“When my husband and I were married almost three months ago, it didn't take long to find out that we couldn't have intercourse. This was devastating to me. I knew that wasn't all to life and marriage, but as a woman that had decided to save that for my husband, I had looked forward to sharing something so special and intimate with him, something that could eventually create life in God's timing. But that hope was dashed. Not only could we not have penetrative sex, but I also couldn't insert ANYTHING into my vagina. It hurt too much every time I tried. Thankfully my husband stood strong beside me from day one of this discovery, but I was so confused and angry and crushed, wondering why my body would be this way. I didn't understand. I thought my body was messed up, flawed, broken beyond repair. I went through a season of depression, feeling like I would never be healed and trying to move on and pretend like that part of life was nonexistent. I knew there were other ways to conceive as well, but none of them seemed so special as truly being one with my husband. I cried often and prayed and struggled with a bitterness toward God. But He still helped me to hold onto hope. Then one day as I was doing some research, I came across the Intimate Rose website where I discovered vaginal dilators. I had no idea such a product existed, and after looking into how they worked and researching other brands, I knew that if I was going to try this, it was going to be with Intimate Rose. My husband and I talked it over and prayed about it and decided to move forward with it. My dilators arrived in only a couple days and I was very impressed with the quality of them! Just as was claimed by the site, they were silky smooth and decently pliable. I was nervous about such a journey, but excited and encouraged and ready to reach our goals one step at a time, in God's time. We still have a long way to go, but thank God He brought us to Intimate Rose! We've certainly come far from where we were.”
Thanks to the probiotic I'm already noticing a huge change in my bowel health!
“Hi, I'm a pelvic health PT and I decided to try one of the products that I've been recommending for such a long time. Thanks to the Probiotic for women, I'm already noticing a huge change in my bowel health. I've always had constipation and am constantly working to stay regular with my diet, exercise, and bowel massage. It helps with my gas and bloating, with my first menstrual cycle since taking this supplement, I noticed much less gas. My stool is already softer, which means it comes out without straining. I was hoping to see if it would help my vulvar pH, as I notice an occasional vinegar smell from time to time, and still waiting for that to change. All in all, I'm really liking this product.”
How Anal Dilators Changed My Life
These dilators helped me avoid a permanent ostomy bag. Thank you, Dr. Amanda!
I had rectal cancer in 2021 had 12 treatments of chemo had an operation to remove the small amount of tumor left they also took part of my rectum and colon. Had a very difficult time and many issues after surgery had an ostomy bag on for 5 months it was horrible. But did have a reversal. . But now my rectum won’t stay open enough they wanted to put the bag back on but my daughter found these anal dilators and they are working unbelievably well . I’m so happy with these I’m not getting the bag anytime soon and maybe never. I’m doing so well with these keeping me open. Thank you Dr Amanda for the wonderful product.
Dilators are life-changing
Vaginal Atrophy
"Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with stage 2 hormone-positive breast cancer. After a double mastectomy, my oncology team recommended a total hysterectomy. Menopause hit hard, bringing unbearable pelvic pain, itching, and bleeding. Thankfully, my oncology nurse advocate referred me to a pelvic floor therapist who diagnosed me with pelvic floor dysfunction and vaginal atrophy. I started vaginal dilation, which was awkward at first, but it became key to my recovery. With consistent therapy, I was able to resume comfortable intercourse with my husband and avoid further complications like vaginal stenosis and incontinence. Now, I use a combination of dilators and moisturizers to maintain my pelvic health. Dilation was life-changing for me, and I hope my experience encourages other women to take their therapy seriously. It may feel uncomfortable or strange, but it's essential for healing and long-term well-being."
We no longer toss away our retirement earning.
“I'm middle 60's yrs. old. Have gone through menopause. I've been dealing with vaginal dryness & lack of intimate desire for my loving husband. We've shared a loving relationship of 47 yrs. of marriage. Vaginal discomfort was always on my mind during our intimacy. My gyn had prescribed suppository tablets which made me itch intensely - so she prescribed a cream, & that was worse than the suppository! I came across Intimate Rose on the internet, was intrigued by the name, very modest, proper, & respectful. So I opened up the site. I read EVERYTHING!! I purchased their Flora Bloom, Velvet Rose Lubricant, Boric Balance Vaginal Suppositories. These ladies know what they are doing!! I've felt relief from my dryness & itching day #2 on Intimate Rose products. The Velvet Rose lubricant has a delicate soft scent, very peaceful & very much comfortable! I don't complain & neither does my hubby. It's the perfect balance! We no longer are tossing away our retirement earnings on feminine products that gave me negative side affects. Thank you so much Intimate Rose, and may God continue to bless you all with wisdom in your profession! A Happy Married Couple.”
5 Stars for Lubricant and Wand
“I am giving the pelvic wand 5 stars. It is easy to use and effective with regular use. Amanda’s instructional videos were helpful in teaching me how to use it . I have noticed a definite improvement as a result of using it every night . I am also giving the Intimate Rose lubricant 5 stars. It IS thin but it does provide enough lubrication to make the wand slide in easily. It doesn’t cause irritation or an allergic reaction like the Slippery Stuff I previously tried to use . Please do not change the formulation. Those of us with sensitivity issues need this product in order to use the wand successfully.”
Intimate Rose Kegel Weights
A Game Changer For Active Women
My patients are especially loving the vaginal weight set. It has been a game changer for active women who just need that extra load on the pelvic floor to train for higher level activities. They are easy to use, clean, and store when not in use. Both my patients and I like that as the weight increases the size of the weight that gets inserted does not increase, maintaining comfort with dynamic movement performance.
Intimate Rose Products
Absolutely recommend for any trans women
"I was 8 months post gender confirmation surgery when I started looking for more comfortable dilators. The large pack of dilators I ordered are exactly the same width as the classic purple, blue, green, orange set that was given for post op dilation. I'm not sure if the rigidity is important after the surgery, but eventually, with doctor's say so, you are allowed to count sex and sex toys as a dilation session. I'm at that point in my healing process, and the rose dilators are literally the best investment I've made. The difference in comfort is insane and they have made my dilating sessions a bit less of a chore to work through. Absolutely recommend for any trans women looking for a happier dilator set."
I am Pregnant and Using Intimate Rose Prenatal Multivitamin
As a Pelvic Health PT, I Recommend Intimate Rose Products to My Patients
As a pelvic health PT, I LOVE intimate rose’s products and recommend them to my patients whenever I think they may help. I love the shape and material of the pelvic wand more than any other product I’ve come across and the vaginal weights are both cute as well as incredibly useful. I’m also pregnant, and I actually took Intimate Rose’s prenatals before conception and still now through pregnancy. I’m a big fan
IntimateRose Products Quality
Dilators I Received are Just Awesome
“I've received a few other samples of dilators from a few other companies but the samples you sent are actually my favorite ones so far! They look like they'll be awesome for patients. Thank you so much for all the sample products! ”
Intimate Rose Products
Dilators were a game changer
"After menopause and three years of the Dr. telling me I just needed to use more lubrication to help with painful sex, she finally recommended a Physical Therapist and/or dilators. Game changer. Physical Therapy helped me to isolate and exercise the pelvic floor muscles allowing me to release the painful spasms that had hindered me. Dilators are very useful for stretching and helping to isolate those muscles. PT helped me to feel less isolated, the pain was not all in my head and the scar tissue and holding of tension in the pelvic floor could be dealt with."
My Patients Love Kegel Weights
Easy to Use, Clean, & Store
”My patients are especially loving the vaginal weight set. It has been a game changer for active women who just need that extra load on the pelvic floor to train for higher level activities. They are easy to use, clean, and store when not in use. Both my patients and I like that as the weight increases the size of the weight that gets inserted does not increase, maintaining comfort with dynamic movement performance.”
Intimate Rose Products
Endo symptoms finally on the right track
"Constipation, cramps, bloating. From GP to GI (who said IBS) to OB (who said it was normal). I couldn't have a BM without laxatives. Waking, my stomach felt bruised but looked normal. Every night, I looked 7 months pregnant. My insides felt tied in a knot and wrapped in barbed wire. I found an excision specialist who did surgery and found significant endometriosis covering my rectum. I had a hysterectomy. The cramping and bloating improved but I still couldn't have a normal BM. My PF therapist found that my sphincter muscle wasn't working. After manual stimulation, I was able to have a BM on my own for a couple days. Then it would stop again. She suggested I get the wand and do it on my own between visits. So far so good! There's a ways to go, but for the first time, I feel like I'm finally on the right path."
No Period For 6 Months
Finally Feeling Better with Intimate Rose
I always knew that there was something different about me. I got my first period when I was 12, then on, it didn't seem to come very often, or sometimes ever. Getting older I realized that I was having bursts of rage, depression, cystic acne, and irregular periods. After arguing with several doctors about extreme pains in my lower abdomen, I got testing done. They finally agreed and told me I had PCOS. They didn't believe that I had anything wrong with me because I didn't have any problems on the surface. My ovaries were filled with little Pearl's. After being officially diagnosed I started seeing black hairs growing on my chin, neck, chest and inner thighs. I took a year and decided I needed to try something more natural. I found intimate Rose on the website and tried to give it a try considering it had all the ingredients I needed to help with pcos. I have been taking it for a month now, and I'm excited and thrilled to see the results. After no period for 6 months, I got my period naturally while taking this supplement with exercise. “Thank you for a great product!”.
Intimate Rose Products
Finally relief for Neurogenic Bladder!
"I had a brain tumor when I was 10 (in 1992) removed and followed with chemo and radiation. I've had neurogenic bladder symptoms ever since then, worsening now in my 30's and causing vaginal pain and dryness." I am SO glad I found Intimate, so grateful I finally have some answers and products I didn't even know about. I'm still struggling but OMG ;) ... I'm finally getting some relief"
Intimate Rose Flora Bloom Probiotic Did the Magic!
Finally Something That Does What Is Says
I was searching the web one day for a solution to my not so fresh smell and discharge I've tried so many home remedies but nothing worked until I came across Intimate Rose Flora Bloom probiotic, I was leary to order as I thought there was no help for me and this was something I just had to deal with, I decided to order and I received my product within days I have taken the supplement for 1 week now and I see a difference NO more odor or discharge it's like a miracle.
I will be ordering another bottle asap and the fact I got 50% off the next bottle is a bonus. I will be trying their other products as well. “FINALLY SOMETHING THAT DOES WHAT IS SAYS. AMEN!”
Finally, Something That Worked
“I had a recurring Bv for about 6 months. I went to the clinic, to the gynecologist, and was given treatments in the form of gels. But It wasn't until I tried Intimate Rose's Boric Acid that I finally got rid of the discomfort and discharge caused by BV. By day 7 of its use, my vagina felt, smelled and even looked healthy. There were no side effects during or after its use. I can finally, confidently, enjoy sex with my partner. I am super thankful.”
Intimate Rose Dilators
For the first time in a long time I have hope:
”I finally met my last gynaecologist who had previously specialized in endometriosis surgery, and she took my pain seriously, and did my second surgery where much scar tissue was found and I was diagnosed with endometriosis. After this I began to experience problems with my bladder as well and went to see another OB/GYN who specializes in complex pelvic pain - this was the first place dilators were recommended to me. It was a difficult journey at first as it can be with vaginismus, adhesions, and vestibulodynia. I thought my progress was slow, but through the silicone made and gentle Intimate Rose dilators.... I must say that the comfort level in using dilators and doing the work associated with restoring health (and happiness) to my pelvic floor, I feel more hopeful now. I am doing my exercises daily using the beautifully coloured and packaged dilators in the medium pack and will continue to let you know of my progress.”
Intimate Rose Products
Getting my life back!
"I am so beyond thrilled with my experience using these dilators! I did work with a pelvic floor therapist who was able to guide me in using them. We met 3x a week for a month and I am so happy to say I have made my way to the size dilator I had as my goal and for the first time in a year sex was not painful! I didn’t think this was possible. And after going through chemo this feels like the first “treatment” I’ve been involved in that has focused on helping me get my life back."
Primary Vaginismus
Got New Life With IntimateRose
“I've been using the dilators for a few weeks now and I'm making great progress. The dilators are soft and not as scary as I was expecting them to be. Intimate Rose and Dr. Amanda have really given me a new lease on my romantic life, and a new found confidence in my body. ”