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Guiding Clinicians: Techniques for Precision and Education
1. Place the clinical pelvic model over the pelvis of the patient while they are on the table.2. While you palpate their trigger point of their pelvic floor with one hand, show then on the pelvic model where it is located to help orient them visually.
3. Use the wand and place it exactly where the trigger point was that you palpated with your finger. Usually using the long thin arm will allow for proper reach. If you cannnot reach it with the wand, adjust the patient's body, some options are below, and a video (#7) describing these can be found in this guideÂ
- Place pillows under the pelvis to elevate it
- Have them place their feet on the wall so that they are in table top
- Have them rotate their knees in/out to open the pelvic floor or close it depending on the location
- Have them assume quadruped position.
5. Remember that tender points can also be addressed indirectly by performing myofascial release for 5-10 minutes using broad sweeps. Some patients who are highly sensitive respond well to this method to help relax the overall tone of the pelvic floor which can make it easier to identify the tender points in the future.
6. The initial process of locating the tender points can take some time and adjustment. Patients are not familiar with their anatomy and some degree of trial and error is necessary to learn a new skill. Additionally, everyone presents with slightly different locations of tender points.
Pelvic Wands

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