Stepping into a journey to relax and therapeutically massage your pelvic floor at home. Explore these invaluable strategies using Intimate Rose Pelvic Wands, and practical approaches tailored to empower your personal healing journey.
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Follow These Easy Steps:
1. Generally, using the long thin arm will allow for proper reach of most tender points. If you cannot reach a tender point with the wand, you can adjust your body, some options are the following and video number 7 in this comprehensive
- Place 1-2 pillows under the pelvis to elevate it
- Lay on your back and place your feet on the wall so that they are in a 90 degree angle, and let your knees fall gently to the side. You can prop them up with pillows as well.
- While the wand is placed inside, gently rotate tyour knees in/out to open the pelvic floor or close it which can help to locate tender points.
- Try to locate the tender point on your hands and knees position using the wand.
2. Additionally, tender points can also be addressed indirectly by performing myofascial release for 5-10 minutes using broad sweeps. Some people who are highly sensitive respond well to this method to help relax the overall tone of the pelvic floor which can make it easier to identify the tender points in the future.
3. The initial process of locating the tender points can take some time and adjustment. This is a brand new skill, and most people are not familiar with their anatomy and some degree of trial and error is necessary to learn a new skill.